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Improvement comes by doing, doing comes by wanting, and wanting will come from being Among the Words. Every week see what I’ve done, and what other beginner writers are doing to reach their goals. It’s hard, but I want to make it that much easier.

In my posts you’ll fine:

  • Book recommendations from myself and other big time readers. I’m always looking for new books to read

  • Writing tips and tools I used to go from talking about cool story ideas, to writing cool stories.

  • Interviews with other writers and the challenges they’ve faced and overcome.

  • Snippets and short stories based on writing prompts from yours truly.

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“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn -

So if you want to be a writer, join a community of writers. They’ll give you the motivation and drive you need.

Subscribe to Among the Words

Every writer has to start somewhere. I want to make this place your starting take. Get posts that will give you the tools, resources, and motivation you need to get those words down on paper. Draw inspiration from my posts and be Among the Words.


I've been a reader my whole life. I've only just started becoming a writer. This is my journey of reading and writing discovery. I hope to inspire others to explore the possibilities among the words.